Family Stays

Family First

I think it's safe to say that, as a child, almost everyone fantasied about being royalty, whether you were the princess that dreamt about long dresses and your own tower, or the brave young prince slaying dragons to defend his castle. Well, why not give your child the chance to experience this (minus the dragons!)?

Time is precious, quality family time even more so. You’ve booked the time off work. Everyone is on board for a family adventure but the places you’ve found don’t have flexible accommodation – there are five or six (or even 35) of you, but the hotel only caters for four in a room. Children aren’t allowed in the restaurant after a certain time or the hotel’s idea of family friendly is to split the family up between kids’ activities and adult time. Child friendly actually means children are tolerated, what’s missing is the time and space your family actually needs together. You’re thinking maybe you might as well stay at home. Sound familiar? Then read on.

At Vilémov Castle we look after the whole family, adults and children, by giving you space and freedom to be yourselves – as a family – because there are few things modern families crave more than the luxury of quality time together.

It’s our philosophy for the facilities because we are owned and operated by a large family!

There are a few safety rules as happy families will appreciate. We are particularly popular with multi-generation family get-togethers because everyone from granny and grandpa to the youngest member of the family feels equally at home.

So, contact us to arrange your next family escape back in time and make our family castle yours.
Zámek Vilémov
582 83 Vilémov u Golčova Jeníkova 
Tel: +420 605 200 516 

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Vilémov Castle is a 17th-Century Baroque Estate and one of the finest examples of Baroque castles in the Czech Republic. The Castle is in the region of beautiful Vysocina in Bohemian forest lands, one hour east of Prague. Today the fourteenth generation of the family Reisky de Dubnic runs the estate and forest. With dedication, passion, and a touch of whimsey our family is curating this Baroque gem for future generations. In 2019, Vilémov Castle celebrated its 900 year anniversary 1119-2019. We are just getting started, the best is yet to come.

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